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October 14 is a historic day for this country. It’s a chance for Australians to come together, to listen to the call from the Uluru Statement from the Heart, to vote yes for recognition of First Nations people in our Constitution through a voice to parliament. I’ll be proudly voting yes, and I know so many other people will be in my community and right across Australia.

I also note this referendum, like many referendums, will be tight. It is disappointing that too many on the opposite side, including the Leader of the Opposition, have taken the low route: stoking division, spreading misinformation and sowing fear, mistrust and doubt, instead of being prepared to examine the proposal on its merits. The Leader of the Opposition says he supports constitutional recognition. In fact, he now says he will hold a second referendum. You know what? He could just vote yes on this one.

Despite the best efforts of the coalition, I have faith in my community and Australians right around the country. If you share my passion and our belief that there is a better future ahead of us, then join us. Join Jagajaga for Yes, a great local group of campaigners, campaigning at train stations, doorknocking, having kitchen-table conversations and doing the work to make sure this is a successful referendum and our country steps forward together.

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